One of my other interests is data visualisation. When I started my work on this project, I wanted to get a quick overlook of what Project Management Research really is about. After I collected all author-given keywords from all articles in the International Journal of Project Management and the Journal of Project Management of the last 5 years (2003 and onwards) I created these Tag Clouds.This morning I stumbled across about a blog entry on information aestehetics written by Martin Wattenberg, the group manager of IBM Visual Communication lab. After some more random klicks I landed on, Wordle is the aestethically more pleasing cousin of the cloud tag and I started redoing my earlier excercise to generate some sleek new summaries:
International Journal of Project Management 2003-2008
Journal of Project Management 2003-2007
Keywords published in International Journal of Project Management and Journal of Project Management 2003-2008
These are the links to the original graphics in the Wordle gallery – these are licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA:
[…] Go to the author’s original blog: Whats up with Project Management Research? […]
[…] Projects + Management = The Project-Management Blog Summaries of Project Management Research Studies « What’s up with Project Management Research? […]
Leadership Conference…
What makes a true leader? John Quincy Adams said If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader….