Management competences, not tools and techniques: A grounded examination of software project management at WM-data (Rose et al., 2007)

7 Competencies of SW Project Mgrs

Rose, Jeremy; Pedersen, Keld; Hosbond, Jens Henrik; Kræmmergaard, Pernille: Management competences, not tools and techniques – A grounded examination of software project management at WM-data; in: Information and Software Technology, Vol. 49 (2007), No. 6, pp. 605–624.

Rose et al. approach software management with a competence perspective and identify 7 competencies for a successful software project management by using an qualitative approach of grounded theory. They investigate the project managers of a medium sized software development company in Denmark. The 7 competencies they find are

  1. Technical management (code and techniques)
  2. Process management (traditional project mgmt. processes)
  3. Team management (form and develop a team)
  4. Customer management (maintain customer relationships)
  5. Business management (achieve financial results)
  6. Personal management (develop soft skills)
  7. Uncertainty management (manage interrelated complex problems)

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