Kiker, Gregory A.; Bridges, Todd S.; Varghese, Arun; Seager, Thomas P.; Linkov, Igor: Application of Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Environmental Decision Making; in: Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, Vol. 1 (2005), No. 2, pp. 95-108.
Kiker et al. review Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDA). The authors define MCDA as decisions, typically group decisions, with multiple criteria with different monetary and non-monetary values. The MCDA process follows two steps – (1) construct a decision-matrix, (2) synthesis by ranking alternative by different means.
What are solutions/methods to apply MCDA in practice?
multi-attribute utility theory & multi-attribute value theory
= each score is given a utility, then utilities are weighted and summed up to choose an alternative - AHP
analytical hierarchy process
= pairwise comparison of all criteria to determine their importance - Outranking
= pairwise comparison of all scenarios - Fuzzy
- Mental Modelling
- Linear Programming
[…] … I have a lumpy fuzzy buddy, so first my sympathy to you after such a fucking retard. …Projects + Management = The Project-Management Blog Blog …AHP. analytical hierarchy process = pairwise comparison of all criteria to determine their … Mail […]