Archive for April 27th, 2009

Web 2.0 what is it really about

Montag, April 27th, 2009


This is beautiful, and done by some very clever colleagues of mine.  It is thought provoking and you since a lot of people out there run wild for ‚2.0‘ postfixes to whatever they do; this is the ultimate checklist.  It is in essence what Jeff Jarvis wrote in What would Google do? although only few people like the book and I have not even started reading it.

Orthodoxies New freedoms Example
Role of companies and customers are distinct Customers are integral part of the operations customers as designers, customers as clerks
Companies size gives them an edge over individuals Access to better information and cheaper communications reduce advantage of size Newspapers vs. blogs
Competitive advantage derives from control over unique asset Orchestration trumps ownership Linux, wikipedia
Hierarchies are best organising framework Reduced cost of information and communication enable adaptive, loosely coupled organisations Open Source
Business processes are batch-driven Continuous information flow drives operations to resemble continuous processes Services
The best people trust their gut Data ubiquity reduces subjectivity Google
You pay for what you get Consumers get valuable services for free ("Free is a better price than cheap") Music, Google Aps
Fat tails, short tails Long tails can be served and offer attractive margins amazon